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<title>Captain Cook Says: </title>



I would like to gather as much information as possible condensed here on the topics of gardening, processing food, basic crafts, chemistry and physics, mathematics and music, health and medecine.
based on a book the knowledge to rebuild the world from scratch.
These are topics I'm interrested in so it will be objective.
Creativity is like the corn of plenty. People are looking for it as everything is gong to solve all problems.
When an atist is using his skills in order to give him inspiration seems like the ultimate thing to do.
An architect made himself a house that only have one room and every piece of furniture can be pushed in the wall so that he can get an empy white room when he needs some inspration.
imagine a poete that writes some lines and everytime he reads them he gets some inspiration to write more.
Imagine an engineer inventing his own tools.

